Survival MD Review – Preparedness eBook

Survival MD Review

Natural disasters and emergencies are happening whether you like it or not. The main difference between the people who make it through and the ones who don’t is preparedness, plain and simple. Now when you think about being prepared for a calamity, what do you automatically think about? Food? Water? Flashlights? Charging your phones? But what about medicine? What about a first aid kit or knowing CPR?

Having the knowledge of what to do if your shoulder is dislocated is something that most people don’t even think about. But it could mean the difference between life or death.

Survival MD is a 206-page medical preparedness guide specifically catered for the ordinary individual during times of emergencies, i.e. when hospitals or medical personnel are not available.

It’s an invaluable guide to everything you need to know to protect yourself from possible infections and to heal yourself and other people from possible injuries or diseases using medicine you’ve already stocked up or with herbal medicine that may be found around your surroundings.

Here is a comprehensive review of the e-book.

What is Survival MD?

Survival MD is an ebook that can be bought online. It also comes in a physical book – you can order either or both. It was created due to a very tragic experience by one of the authors, Richard Grey.

A mechanic, Grey experienced first hand what the lack of medical aid can cause during a disaster. He lost a loved one during Hurricane Katrina, due to something that could’ve been prevented if the proper medical care was given. He was so determined to find a way to provide medical aid when no medical personnel, ambulance, or a nearby hospital was available that he spent years of research to find out how this can be done.

He then chanced upon a Romanian doctor who had been practicing medicine without the use of state-of-the-art medical equipment and the latest prescription drugs. This doctor is Dr. Radu Scurtu, who has extensive knowledge in the diagnosis of diseases and medical care.

Both Grey and Dr. Scurtu created the guide to help the general public prepare for any medical emergency during a disaster.

What Can You Learn from the Survival MD Guide?

Basically, Survivor MD is a medical preparedness guide. It covers everything from how to prepare a first aid kit, to preventing infection from happening, and about waste management when no services are available.

Robert Grey created the guide around the premise that the top causes of disease or death after a disaster are infection and bacteria. He focuses on sanitation and hygiene as one of the first defenses against possible medical emergencies.

Here is a breakdown of the things you can learn from the ebook:

  • Learn how to stay alive for months after a calamity
  • The things you need to bring with you if you have to leave your home during a disaster
  • Learning the TeCaMoLo principle, which is a medical formula that will help you with the right diagnosis. It is actually used by 3rd world country doctors to get to the root of problems fast. The earlier you find the cause of a medical issue, the better.
  • Learn the 5 causes of death from natural disasters – so you can prevent them from happening to you or the people around you.
  • Understanding the need for human waste management.

Survival MD will not make you a doctor overnight but it will give you the proper skills to survive a medical emergency when you have no access to medical help.

When you buy the ebook, Grey recommends that you read the contents for at least 10 minutes everyday for at least 10 days. A disaster may not happen in the next few days, but then again, it might. You can never tell when calamities or emergencies strike, making medical preparedness and invaluable asset to your and your family’s survival.

How Can You Download Survival MD?

The book is currently sold from the official website of Survival MD and from authority sites with links to the official site. The ebook is currently being sold at only $22, which is 40% lower than its original price of $37.

You can choose to get the ebook, where you can download the guide through a PC, laptop, or tablet. You can choose to order the physical book, which will be delivered to your doorstep.

The company offers a 60-day guarantee, so if you think you’re not learning anything after you’ve fully covered the guide, then you can get your full money back once you return the book.

Disaster can strike anytime – be prepared not only with basic necessities, but with skills to help you and your loved ones survive!

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