Should I Buy Gold or Silver?

When discussing financial issues surrounding prepping, this question is one of the more commonly-asked questions. If you read articles from financial pundits, each one is going to have a different opinion. Please understand that I write this article as a friend and fellow patriot. I’m not a financial advisor or a tax professional, nor will I pretend to be one. Take this advice with a grain of salt.

Should I Buy Gold or Silver?

In my humble opinion, you should be stacking both gold and silver, but focus on silver right now.

As of today’s publication date (August 28, 2018), silver prices are hovering right around $15.00 an ounce. That’s an incredible bargain. I think it’s a bargain because if you look at the ratio between gold and silver prices, it’s currently at 80 to 1. The ratio should really be closer to 9 to 1, if you take into account the amount of mining that is done by gold and silver respectively.

The current price of silver tells me that it’s currently undervalued, meaning that if you purchase silver today, it’ll likely be worth more in the future. That’s ONE of the reasons that I’m buying more silver than gold right now.

Silver’s Use in Our Modern World

Silver is used in a number of ways in today’s society. It has a lot of uses:

  • It’s anti-microbial, so it’s used in a lot in the medical field.
  • Solar panels use silver. The People’s Republic of California (Kommiefornia) recently had a law signed that mandates that all new construction include solar panels. While this is anti-liberty, anti-freedom, and un-American to compel people to buy something, I think that it’ll help increase the value of silver long-term.
  • Silver’s used in construction. With the current battles taking place over aluminum and steel, I think more silver may be used in all the construction taking place across America and around the world.
  • Electronics use silver for their internal components.
  • As a precious metal, silver is popular for jewelry!

These are a handful of uses that silver has in our society. With the stock market exploding the way it has since Trump was elected, people have moved a lot of money away from vehicles outside the stock market. That’s one reason we see the price of silver where it is today.

Silver as a Store of Wealth

Disclaimer: I don’t view silver as an investment.

Many preppers utilize silver as a store of wealth. In other words, if or when the United States Dollar crashes and burns, you’ll still be able to use silver to pay for things.

As a precious metal, it’s unlikely that someone will unearth a silver mine that increases the world’s supply of silver so dramatically that it causes a price crash. The amount of above-ground silver is quickly diminishing.

A healthy way of looking at silver stacking is that you’re putting money away like a savings account… Only when you buy silver you’re putting it into a vehicle that won’t collapse in value.

Gold and Silver when the SHTF

Think about it – what if there’s a SHTF scenario?

What will you use to pay? Will you use a debit card? Credit card? In a true SHTF situation, we may not have electricity. If that’s the case, ATMs won’t work, and banks will likely be unavailable to give you cash.

Precious metals like gold and silver have value, and you can use them to trade or buy things as needed.

Getting Started with Precious Metals

If you have no experience with precious metals, start slowly. Do NOT buy with money that you can’t afford to spend, and most certainly don’t ever buy using credit.

I recommend that you start by purchasing American Silver Eagles. You can usually buy them for a few dollars above the spot price of silver. They are widely recognized, and are a great way to begin stacking silver.

Next, educate yourself. The Reddit subreddit Silverbugs is a great way to connect with other silver stackers who can give you advice as you begin this journey.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to contact us with any questions. I’m happy to help with whatever I can.

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